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How Can I Check My Website’s SEO Performance? (Answered)

Check your website’s SEO performance using a free site SEO score analyzer. Get more than just a number:

Detect errors that are preventing your website and web pages from ranking well. Fix them quickly to avoid traffic drops and conversion loss. Identify SEO opportunities regarding meta information, page quality and link structure.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is the act of optimizing various elements on a web page that can affect SEO. These can be either visible to users or not (such as meta descriptions and title tags). On-page optimization is important because it allows search engines to understand the content of a page and rank it accordingly.

SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent efforts to stay ahead of competitors. Luckily, there are many tools available to help you monitor and analyze your website’s SEO performance.

To improve your website’s SEO, you should optimize each page on your site for a specific keyword. This will ensure that your content is relevant to the search query and encourage users to click through to your website. The best way to optimize your content is by using keywords in the title, URL, and metadata. However, remember to avoid over-using the keyword in your content. This is called keyword stuffing and can cause Google to penalize your site.

Another important aspect of on-page optimization is adding internal links. This will help Google understand the relationship between your pages and improve the navigation of your website. It is also a great way to encourage users to visit other pages on your website. However, you should be careful not to add too many internal links as this can hurt user experience.

You should also check your website’s loading time. A slow website can cause frustration to users and negatively impact your SEO performance. Using an online tool such as our Site Audit can help you find and fix errors that are slowing down your site. In addition, you should use our link checking tool to make sure that you do not have any dead links on your website, as these can be a negative ranking factor. By following these tips, you can improve your SEO and stay ahead of the competition.


Backlinks are a critical factor in search engine optimization, and tracking them is one of the best ways to monitor SEO performance. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search engines. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all backlinks are created equal. You should always focus on getting backlinks from high-quality websites that are relevant to your niche.

Using a free tool such as Google Search Console can give you a snapshot of your site’s referring domains and total backlinks. It’s also a good idea to use tools like Majestic SEO and Ahrefs that provide a more comprehensive view of your backlink profile. These tools can show you the number of incoming links, the number of outgoing links, and the number of unique domains linking to your site. They can also provide you with trend graphs to help you monitor the health of your backlink profile over time.

In order to improve your SEO rankings, you need to have a diverse backlink profile. It’s important to diversify your backlinks because it shows that other people find your content valuable. It’s also important to ensure that the keywords used in your backlinks are relevant to your content. For example, if you have a post about dog grooming, it would be better to include keywords such as “dog grooming” in your backlinks than “furniture.”

Another way to improve your SEO performance is to optimize your page speed. A slow-loading website can hurt your SEO performance and user experience, so it’s important to monitor it regularly. Tools like CWVIQ can track your page speed and Core Web Vitals and send you weekly reports to notify you of any problems.

It’s also important to make sure that your backlinks are natural. You should never ask other websites to link back to yours, as this can look unnatural and result in a penalization by search engines. Instead, try to get natural links by focusing on creating great content and building relationships with other sites in your industry. Also, don’t overdo it with link building, as this can lead to a spam penalty.


The content on your website is one of the most important factors for SEO. This is why it’s so important to create high-quality content that is relevant and useful to your audience, just like how SEO services from hdevdesign.com do. It’s also important to keep your content updated regularly to improve your search engine visibility.

Creating unique, quality content that is optimized for SEO can help you achieve higher rankings in search engines. You can use an online SEO checker to analyze your site and find areas for improvement. An online SEO tool will give you extensive data based on different SEO factors in a single report, making it easier to identify and fix issues.

An online SEO analyzer will provide in-depth information about your website including backlinks, keywords, meta tags, and page speed. It will also give you a MOZ Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) score. The tool will also highlight any missing or incorrect meta tags.

A high SEO score means your site has good quality content, meets most of the basic technical requirements, and provides a good user experience. A low SEO score means that your site has some issues that need to be addressed.

While the SEO score isn’t directly used by Google to determine your ranking, it does reflect how well your website meets the criteria for visibility in search results. A low score may indicate that you need to make some major changes to your website.

A higher SEO score can lead to better visibility in search results and more clicks from potential customers. An improved website will also increase the likelihood of your business receiving positive reviews and recommendations from customers.

In order to boost your SEO, you should focus on optimizing the most important pages of your website. These include the homepage, product pages, and blog posts. In addition, you should optimize your site’s navigation and internal linking structure.

A free SEO tool such as Seobility can help you audit your website and get detailed information about its SEO performance. The tool will test your site for SEO compliance and provide custom website optimization tips. It will also provide you with an in-depth backlink analysis, which includes unique domains and IP addresses, as well as a breakdown of the most popular keywords for your website.

Site Speed

If you’re looking to boost SEO performance, one of the most important things to consider is your website speed. Page load time has been shown to affect SEO rankings, as Google prioritizes sites with fast loading times in search results. A slow site can lead to frustrated users who will leave in just a few seconds, which can negatively impact your bounce rate and overall SEO rankings.

Fortunately, there are several ways to optimize your website’s speed. You can use the free tool Website Speed Test to get an overview of your website’s speed and identify any issues that may be affecting it. The tool also provides suggestions for how to improve your website’s speed, such as reducing image sizes without compromising quality or using a content delivery network.

Another great way to measure your website’s speed is to use the free tool Google PageSpeed Insights. This tool gives you a score between 0-100 and provides recommendations for how to improve your website’s speed. It also breaks down the factors that impact your site’s speed into categories, so you can focus on the most important ones first.

However, it’s important to note that while site speed is a ranking factor, it shouldn’t be the only thing you focus on when optimizing your website. The main goal should always be to create valuable content that meets the needs of your target audience. This is why it’s essential to keep an eye on your bounce rates and other metrics that can indicate whether or not your website is meeting its goals.

To help you stay on top of your SEO game, Ahrefs offers a number of tools that can help you improve your website and rank higher in search engine results pages. With tools like Site Health, you can easily monitor your domain’s overall SEO health with a two-digit number and straightforward advice for how to fix any issues. You can also check the health of individual pages on your website, including their load speed.

About James Campbell

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